Rock Pool Room - 2 to 3 Years
It is usually in this year that your child shows you that he/she is ready to use the toilet and finish using nappies. Children in this room have access to a bathroom with both toilets and nappy changing facilities.
Your toddler's language develops very quickly between two and three. Children are trying to understand the 'rules' and how it all makes sense.
Your two-year-old is learning about relationships. They can often play together for short periods but easily get upset and cross with each other.
The Rock Pool Room offers a program for 20 children from 2 to 3 years old each day. The ratios in this age group are 1 educator to 4 children. In line with our Staffing Policy, consistency of educators is important and remains constant each day.
The Rock Pool Room has a large playroom and the outdoor area is spacious and well equipped with age appropriate and natural resources and play spaces. Children in the Rock Pool Room are provided with a wide variety of play experiences designed to offer many opportunities to practice their developing social skills.